Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Entry Number 1: OJ, Castration, and Every Other Crazy Sensation!

After 13 years of calm, the storm has returned for another round of drama. Memories are returning (even is they are just from VH1's I Love the 90's) of that white Ford Bronco driving slowly down Interstate 405 in 1994. OJ is a felon once again. On September 14, Simpson now 60-years old, admitted to taking sports memorabilia (which he claims are his property anyway) from a Las Vegas Hotel, but denied breaking in, and having a weapon there. On September 16, Simpson was charged with robbery using a deadly weapon as well as conspiracy to commit robbery, burglary with a deadly weapon, and two counts of assault with a deadly weapon and coercion. This whole situation seems incredibly comical to me. OJ Simpson, the face of all that is wrong with the United States justice system, is once again in trouble with the law… giving them a chance to right the wrong that they incurred 12-years ago. I really think this can be an incredible lesson about karma. It will come back to you… maybe not now… but maybe thirteen years later! HAHA! Isn’t it the most ironic thing that OJ didn’t go to jail for KILLING two people, but has a good chance of going now, for stealing some footballs with his signature on them? But seriously, it serves him right for writing a book called, “If I Did It.” This time, Johnnie Cochran isn’t here to save him, so he can just take his Heisman Trophy, and NFL Hall of Fame plaque to prison and share them with his fellow inmates for the next 60+ years. Maybe he can start a prison football team, and beat the guards! GO MEAN MACHINE! Anyway, in a totally unrelated, but just as ironic, story a rapist is cutting off his testicles, for a reduction of his life sentence to 25 years. On this topic I question the right to, “no cruel and unusual punishment.” Who and what determines “cruel and unusual?” If it is at the judge’s discretion, then punishments could still be anything really. And there are some sick people out there that wouldn’t mind being castrated, it certainly may not be cruel and unusual to them. For all I know, this guy wants a sex change, and this castration is just killing two birds with one stone! If you really want him to suffer for his misdeeds, send him to jail for life. Another thing in the news, and something we have been talking about in class is statutory rape. A 17-year-old high school student was sentenced to a mandatory ten-year sentence for having consensual oral sex from a 15 year old. The law by which he was charged has since been changed, but does not work retroactively, so the boy still has to serve the sentence! The irony of it all is that by Georgia law, if the two had just had intercourse, the maximum sentence would be only one year! What have we learned today? Irony seems to be thematic in today’s world. What else? The justice system sucks. I think I am going to go break into my neighbor’s house, and slip and fall, and sew them for every penny they have.